
South Georgia Council, BSA

Past Events 

2013 Lodge Formation 2016 OA Prism
2013 Ceremony Team - January Joint Ordeal 2016 Summer Fellowship
2013 Ceremony Team - March Joint Ordeal 2016 Camp Patten Service Day
2013 Charter Flap Designs (pdf) 2016 Fall Ordeal
2013 Charter Flap Sales 2016 Fall Ordeal - Camp Projects
2013 August Fellowship 2016 Vigil & Vigil Reunion
2013 Fall Tap-Out 2017 Storm Damage to The Burrow
2013 Fall Ichuway Chapter Service Day 2017 Winter Banquet
2013 Fall Fellowship - Vigil Breakfast 2017 CrossOver Ceremonies
2013 Fall Fellowship - Ordeal 2017 Spring Ordeal
2013 Fall Fellowship - Brotherhood 2017 Spring Vigil
2013 Fall Fellowship - Candidate Work Projects 2017 April Vigil
2013 Winter Campout - Make-up Vigil & Breakfast 2017 Summer Fellowship
2014 Lodge Banquet 2017 Fall Ordeal
2014 Council Banquet 2017 Vigil & Vigil Reunion
2014 Drum and Dance Team Practice 2018 Winter Banquet
2014 Lodge Ledger 2018 Spring Ordeal
2014 Spring Ordeal - Activities 2018 Section Gathering
2014 Spring Ordeal - Ceremonies 2018 NOAC
2014 Drum Team at Pow Wow 2018 Fall Ordeal
2014 Conclave - Brothers 2018 Vigil & Vigil Reunion
2014 Conclave -  Events 2019 Winter Banquet
2014 Burrow Dedication 2019 Rocket Into Scouting
2014 Summer Fellowship 2019 Call-Out
2014 Cedar Tree at Camp Osborn 2019 First Service Day at Camp Patten for Conclave
2014 Zombie Run 2019 Fall Ordeal
2014 Fall Ordeal 2019 Vigil & Vigil Reunion
2014 Fall Ordeal - More Photos 2019 OA National Newsletter Camp Osborn???
2014 LeAnder Jackson Award 2020 Winter Banquet
2014 Fall Vigil 2020 Second Service Day at Camp Patten for Conclave
2014 Fall Vigil - Photos 2020 Matt Hart
2015 LLD 2020 Indian Winter
2015 Banquet 2020 Spring Ordeal
2015 Webelos Crossover 2020 Conclave Postponed and Cancelled
2015 Charter 2020 Lapeza Elected Section Treasurer
2015 SWAG 2020 Summer Fellowship
2015 Ichauway Chapter Crossover Ceremony 2020 Fall Ordeal
2015 NLS 2020 Vigil & Vigil Reunion
2015 Spring Ordeal 2021 Winter Banquet
2015 Merit Badge University 2021 March Conclave Workday
2015 Conclave 2021 Conclave
2015 Conclave Competitions 2021 Conclave (more photos)
2015 ArrowTour 2021 Lee Bates Memorial
2015 Lodge Feather 2021 Vigil Reunion
2015 NOAC - Brothers 2022 Banquet
2015 NOAC - Lodge 2022 Spring Ordeal
2015 Summer Fellowship 2022 Conclave
2015 Centurion Awards 2022 NOAC
2015 Call-Out Ceremomy 2022 Lodge Photo
2015 Fall Ordeal - Ceremomy 2022 Call Out
2015 Fall Ordeal - Ordeal Projects 2022 Fall Ordeal
2015 Fall Ordeal - Members 2023 Winter Banquet
2015 Vigil and Vigil Reunion 2023 Spring Ordeal
2015 Turk's Sash 2023 Conclave
2016 The First Three Lodge Chiefs 2023 Summer Fellowship
2016 Section Indian Winter 2023 Fall Ordeal
2016 Winter Banquet 2023 Christmas Banquet
2016 CrossOver Ceremonies 2024 Vigil
2016 Spring Ordeal 2024 Conclave
2016 S9 Conclave - Brothers 2024 NOAC
2016 S9 Conclave - Activities