Withlacoochee Lodge - 2014 Ordeal

 Withlacoochee Lodge  #98

South Georgia Council, BSA


2014 Fall Ordeal

at Camp Osborn

(November 14 - 16, 2014)


Click here for Fall Ordeal Fellowship Schedule


A large crowd of over 100 new and current brothers attended the Fall Ordeal

at Camp Osborn in November.  We added 35 new Ordeal members,

32 new Brotherhood members, and 8 members called-out to "keep their Vigil"

later in the year.  The canditates spent the "night under the stars" under clear

but near freezing temperatures making for an experience they will remember forever.     




Clan 1



Clan 2



Clan 3



Clan 4 (Adults)



New members who just completed their Ordeal ate first at The Feast.



New members who just completed their Ordeal ate first at The Feast.



The Feast



The Feast



The cooks



The cooks



SR-9 Officers and Lodge Chief Noah Phillips







(Photos by J. Michael Greene and Merrill Dickinson)