Withlacoochee Lodge - 2014 Ordeal

 Withlacoochee Lodge  #98

South Georgia Council, BSA


2016 Summer Fellowship

at Camp Osborn

(August 12-14, 2016)



Annual Lodge Photo





Ed Walker, Edward Walker, Nate Mayfield



Brotherhood Ceremony Team:  David Stokes, III, Rhett Redshaw, Allen

Lehman, Jonathan Thomas




Building the Ga-Ga Pit:  Cameron Nix (blue shirt), Matthew

Collins w/ saw

First game in new Ga-Ga pit (Ga-Ga pit construction was part of Lodge

Chief Saul Crumpton's Wood Badge ticket)



Refurbishing camp tables:  Jonathan Lewis (sitting), Mr. Harold Pinson,

Alex Walker 



Finished tables



Drum and Singing Session led by Mr. Chris DeHart, Waguli Lodge



David Stokes, III instructing Unit Elections LLD class



Arrowmen learning Spikeball


Lodge Chief Saul Crumpton and Lodge Training Adviser Mr. Andrew Smith



Lodge cook team members Mr. Tim Griggs

and Mr. James Turk at their finest

(Photos by Merrill Dickinson)