Immokalee Lodge # 353

Serving the scouts of Chehaw Council in southwest Georgia since 1947

This page last updated on: Thursday, February 27, 2014

2009 Winter Banquet

Honoring Sam Thompson's Retirement as Lodge Advisor


New Vigil Introductions


(Pictures by Mike Greene)

There are no photos of Sam Thompson as he was unable to attend because his wife was ill.


Alan Herin and Andrew Horne

Ray Allen, Council Executive

Andrew passing the bonnet to the new Chief Alan Herin

Steve Owens and Andrew Horne receiving their Vigil sash

Alan Herin receiving his Vigil sash

New Vigil Members Steve Owens (#120), Andrew Horne (#119), and Alan Herin (#118)

Speaking is new Lodge Advisor Mark Barrett

Ben Crawford, Andrew Horne and Alan Herin receive black ceremony sashes for

participating in more than eight different ceremonies

2010 Officers:  Alan Herin, Chief; ?; :?; ?; Ben Crawford.