Immokalee Lodge # 353

Serving the scouts of Chehaw Council in southwest Georgia since 1947

This page last updated on: Thursday, February 27, 2014

2009 Fall Ordeal


   2009 Immokalee Fall Ordeal was held at Camp Osborn the weekend of September 18 to 20, 2009. 

Including the 38 candidates about 99 people attended some or all of the event.


Immediately after the Brotherhood Ceremony at the OA Ceremony Ring, a major lightening and rain storm

forced the Ordeal Ceremony into the dining hall.


(Pictures by Mike Greene)



Owl Clan - Elangomat, Evan Drew



Wolf Clan. - Elangomat, Forrest Crowder (Not in picture). 

The Elangomat shown is the Elangomat Chairman, John Barrett.



Bear Clan - Elangomat, Grayson Drew



Ceremony Practice

Alan Herin & Andrew Horne (center to Right)



Ceremony Practice

Ben Crawford & Richard Taylor ((center to Right)



Ceremony Practice

Alan Herin, Candler Carter, Franklin Hudgins ((center to Right)



Ceremony Practice

Ben Crawford and Steve Owens ((center to Right)



Brotherhood Ceremony Team after the Brotherhood Ceremony and just before the rain came.

Alan Herin, Andrew Horne, Ben Crawford, & Richard Taylor (center to Right)



Dressing Room added behind Ceremony Ring



Candler Carter used the new drum for its first ceremony



Franklin Hudgins, Sam Thompson, Tommy McCurley, and Mark Barrett (center to Right)




Harold Pinson and Mike Ellis (center to Right)



Preparing for the Ordeal Ceremony

which was moved inside the dining hall due to the rain and lightening.



(center to right, foreground) Al Bell, Clay Chester, Dave Wilson, Ray Allen.

(center to right, background) Mark Barrett, Merrill Dickinson.



A wet Richard Taylor (Ceremony Team member).



Tommy McCurley, Alex Purdy, Dave Wilson, ?, and Emory Greene (center to Right)



Wet Ordeal candidates

(We told them they had to go through the Ordeal weekend again since the Ceremony got rained out.)



Steven Owens



Joe Charbonnet, S4 Vice-Chief, and Andrew Horne, Immokalee Chief