Immokalee Lodge # 353

Serving the scouts of Chehaw Council in southwest Georgia since 1947

This page last updated on: Thursday, February 27, 2014

2006 Winter Banquet


   2005 Immokalee Winter Banquet was held at Ryan's Steakhouse in Albany, Georgia




Lodge 353 officers taking the oath of office.

Chief Devin Hutchinson,  Vice Chief of Programs Corey Lord, Vice Chief of Ceremony Beau Carroll and

Historian Tony Fall.   Secretary John Krywicki is not shown.



Youth Arrowmen of the Year  - Jonathan Jenkins, Beau Carroll and Ryan Lacey (not pictured)

Adult Arrowmen of the Year - Mark Barrett and Tim McCrae (absent)
No Scan
  Five ceremony team members who had long term service to the team were also recognized. Each team member who had performed in at least eight ceremonies, received special black OA sash with each ceremony event and part played recorded on the back of the sash. Those members recognized were Ryan Lacey with 8 events, Beau Carroll with 10 events, Devin Hutchinson with 14 events and Patrick Johnson with 8 events.