History of

Immokalee Lodge #353


2003 Fall Makeup Ordeal


    Fall 2003 makeup ordeal was held at Camp Osborn on November 21 - 23.  The pictures are of the ceremonies team which performed for the first time together at the makeup ordeal.

                         Pictures Below

Ordeal Ceremony Team dresses for the pre-ordeal ceremony.  

center to right:  Ryan Lacy, Emory Greene, Jeremiah Talheimer & Devin Hutchinson

Ordeal and Brotherhood Ceremony Teams at rehearsal on Saturday after the installation of the new 'Immokalee the Owl' (see legend on History & Legend page).  

center to right, Back row:  Steven Reynolds, Devin Hutchinson, Patrick Johnson (VP for Ceremonies), Brett Tippler, Jeremiah Talheimer; Front row: Emory Greene, Ryan Lacy and Beau Barrett (torch bearer).

Ordeal Ceremony Team after ordeal ceremony. 

center to right:  Ryan Lacy, Jeremiah Talheimer, Devin Hutchinson & Emory Greene

Ordeal and Brotherhood Ceremony Teams after ceremonies.

  center to right, Back row:  Steven Reynolds  & Devin Hutchinson; Front row: Emory Greene, Ryan Lacy, Patrick Johnson & Jeremiah Talheimer