
2001 OA Service Grant Recipients
For the past several years, the National Order of the Arrow
Committee has provided matching service grants for a limited
number of projects submitted by application to the national OA
office. A total of $30,000 was made available for distribution
in 2001 for projects. The evaluators considered the innovative
scope and design of the project; how the project impacts a
significant number of Scouts; and how the project enhances Cub
Scouting or Boy Scouting in the council.
Congratulations to the following 12 lodges selected as the
service grant recipients for 2001:
- Chippewa Lodge #29, Clinton Valley Council
- Te'Kening Lodge #37, Southern New Jersey Council
- Toloma Lodge #64, Greater Yosemite Council
- Hunnikick Lodge #76, Burlington County Council
- Kickapoo Lodge #128, Wabash Valley Council
- Maheengun Lodge #136, Mississippi Valley Council
- Otahnagon Lodge #172, Baden-Powell Council
- Skyuka Lodge #270, Palmetto Area Council
- Wahunsenakah Lodge #333, Colonial Virginia
- Immokalee Lodge #353, Southwest Georgia Council
- Papago Lodge #494, Catalina Council
- Awaxaawe' Awachia Lodge #535, Trapper Trails
Respective council offices will receive letter notification
from the national OA office in the near future.
The National OA Committee wishes to express its appreciation
to the 70 lodges who applied for the 2001 service grants.
Further information on the individual grant amounts and project
descriptions will be published in the next issue of the OA
National Bulletin. (They never were!)