History of

Immokalee Lodge #353


1970 Ordeal

At Camp Osborn

(at the old ceremony ring)


(Photos provided by P. T. Braun)

Second from the center is Rick Swartzell


From left - David Yaw, Rick Swartzell and ?.

From left - Theo Jacobs, ?, ?, Indian chief is Rick Swartzell

5th from right is Gene Seegmuller (Tom Seegmuller's father), behind him is Randy Pickron, next to the last boy is Stone Ware and the last boy Bernard Meyer Von Bremen


Third from left is Ned Newcomb.

Adult in the middle is thought to be Bill Miller


First boy on center is Ricky Johnson.  Second boy on center is Stone Ware.
From right to center are Forrest DeLoach, Wayne Oliver, Randy Wilson (no head in picture), Mike Meyer Von Bremen, Michael Meyer Von Bremen, Lloyd Graham.  Far center with uniform on is Bill Graff District Executive for East District.
center to right:  ??, ??, Lloyd Graham, Michael Meyer Von Bremen, Mike Meyer Von Bremen, Randy Wilson (no head in photo), Wayne Oliver and Forest DeLoach.