Immokalee Lodge #353

Neckerchief slides


According to the lodge by-laws existing in the 1960s, the 353 neckerchief and slide

were part of the official uniform to be worn to all lodge functions.





Hand carved and painted neckerchief slide from Ralph Ellis, Field Executive for Chehaw Council, from 1943 until 1945.  After his service with Chehaw Council he served in Okefenokee Council and accumulated a large patch, neckerchief, and slide collection from Georgia.  Although there is no way of definitely connecting this slide with Immokalee Lodge, it is a logical conclusion.  The slide would have been produced in the late 1940 or early 1950 for use with the blue neckerchief with red piping and the X1 patch sewn onto it.


(From the collection of J. Michael Greene. Used by permission.)


According to Wayne Woodard, the two ceramic slides below were made by Wayne and ? in  the 1960s and hand painted.  Each time they made a new batch the design changed a little.  Therefore, many variations exist.




(center slide is from the collection of J. Michael Greene. Right slide is from Waitsman.  Used by permission.)



The slide below is made of metal.


According to Herman Gaskins he obtained the metal slide from one of the old Immokalee members



(From the collection of J. Michael Greene. Used by permission.)