Immokalee Lodge #353

Camp Immokalee


          Camp Immokalee patch from the collection of Charlie Moehlenbrock originally from Blue Ridge Council, Atta Kulla Kulla Lodge 185 in South Carolina and who now resides in central Texas.

            The patch was purchased in 2018 along with scout patches owned by scout Crawford H. Jackson of Jacksonville and later Port St. Joe, Florida. His obituary states he was born in Labelle, Florida. He passed away in 2016 at 89. 


             There is a Camp Immokalee near Jacksonville, Florida which has been a YMCA camp since 1909 and is still operating today.  So far as I know there was never a Camp Immokalee in Southwest Georgia.  The name Immokalee was not used for our predecessor lodge until 1945. 


             The patch is included to provide clarity.
