Immokalee Lodge  #353

 Chehaw Council

Boy Scouts of America



     As of the merger in 2013 there are 2520 known alumni of Immokalee Lodge 353.  There are surely more alumni, but due to the lost records some are still unknown.  Most members were initiated into the Order of the Arrow in Immokalee Lodge but some were initiated in other lodges and transferred into Immokalee Lodge in the course of their scouting life.


    The lodge is missing all official records from before 1968 and from between 1989 to 1994.  Therefore, very little information is known about members from those years except for what has been obtained from oral history and Owl Hoots.


    From what appears to be approximately 1968 to approximately 1987, Immokalee Lodge kept the records of its members on the official cards issued by National for that purpose.  At some point a very nice box was built for the purpose of storing the cards of the inactive members.  Some cards are missing for persons who are known to have been members (even lodge chiefs) during this period.  According to Ben Andrews, past Lodge Chief, the current members were kept in a separate book which was last seen at the scout office in the 1990s.  Most likely the book and the cards of those members who were active when the card system was discontinued were destroyed or lost.  Consequently, they are not in the database except as their membership comes to our attention thought other means.


     There are members whose ordeal pre-dates 1968 with cards but these were probably members who were active in 1968 or became active again later.  Each card has a place for a member number and over half of the cards have numbers.  Most are ascending by ordeal date.  However, about 45% of the cards do not have a number and there seems to be no pattern to the failure to assign numbers as it includes all years. Some cards have duplicate numbers followed by an ‘A’ or a ‘B’ to distinguish it from the other.  The numbers are shown for those members whose cards have numbers.  A number of known members from before 1968 who were not active in 1968 have no card.  Therefore, the card numbers do not represent the order of induction or the number of members in the lodge. The word ‘Blank’ is inserted in the field for members who have cards but whose card does not have a number so that as new members are added it can be determined if the member has a card in the box.  More details on the Member Card Box and pictures can be found at the Member Card Box link.


     At some point the 1970s or early 1980s someone compiled much of the card information into a typed book.  However, the member numbers in the book do not match those of the cards.  In some cases exact dates of ordeals are given in the book where the card only has the month and the year.  The lodge continues to add pages to the book but does not number new members.  The last number assigned in the book was 1315 which was assigned to Mike Wohrley, Jr. who completed his ordeal in August, 1986.     


     In March of 2004, we began adding members to the list other than just those with cards in the box.  The card field for these members is listed as 'None' rather than 'blank' as no card exists.  (Scroll down for information on being added.)


     The computer database from which this website's member lists are compiled combines and corrects the information from both the book and the cards as well as other sources.  Only a limited amount of information is shown on the web site due to size limitations.  For a few members some information conflicted between the card and the book.  Sometimes it was impossible to tell if the card and the book were referring to one person or a father & son.  Also, whoever did the original cards had an amazing talent for making a '4' and a '9' look alike and this caused many errors in the inputting of the data which is still being corrected.  Any errors or corrections would be appreciated and should be emailed to Mike Greene       


Final Member List

     The FOUNDER'S AWARD was introduced at the 1981 National Order of the Arrow Conference and was created to honor and recognize those Arrowmen who have given outstanding service to their lodge. The award is reserved for an Arrowmen who demonstrates to fellow Arrowmen that he or she memorializes in his or her everyday life the spirit of achievement as described by founder E. Urner Goodman and co-founder Carroll A. Edson.  Through 2006 Immokalee Lodge has awarded only 16 people the Founder's Award.



Founder's Award Members 



     The VIGIL HONOR is bestowed by the National Order of the Arrow Committee upon nomination of the lodge. A Scout is recognized with the Vigil Honor for outstanding service to Scouting, the lodge and the community. 


Vigil Honor Members




     Probable Ceremony Dates  is a list of dates of ordeal, brotherhood and vigil ceremonies.  Many are simply educated guesses because the old member cards had only a year or year and month listed. 



Probable Ceremony Dates